
Actions aimed at promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Murcia region: - Energy audit determining the potential for energy savings and evaluating the opportunities for reducing the amount of energy consumed and consequently the reduction of CO2 emissions emitted to the atmosphere. - Photovoltaic installation for self-consumption of 233.2 KWp and nominal 216KW in cover of refrigeration chambers and frozen fish industry.

Actions aimed at promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Murcia region: - Energy audit determining the potential for energy savings and evaluating the opportunities for reducing the amount of energy consumed and consequently the reduction of CO2 emissions emitted to the atmosphere. - Photovoltaic installation for self-consumption of 233.2 KWp and nominal 216KW in cover of refrigeration chambers and frozen fish industry.